Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6, 2014

This cyber cafe doesn't seem so forgeign anymore now that I kinda know
where I am!

First I need to do some thanking. Mother dearest thank you so much for
teaching me how to cook. Last email you asked if our house was
equipped to cook, my answer is in one of my pictures! Haha but thank
you so much for teaching me how to cook, it is a very useful skill.
Thank you also mom for teaching me how to sew because I had a hole in
one of my pants but don't worry I knew how to fix it! Thank you
grandma carol and grandpa mark for a mini sewing kit you gave me for
christmas! Thank you grandma debbie for the birthday money so I could
buy myself a back pack! Thank you everyone for the emails, pictures,
and support!

I haven't got letters yet because we missed district meeting because
we had to go to the dentist in Santiago for Elder Anderson but our
district leader said there was one for me! Tomorrow we have district
meeting so I will see if there is anything!

This week has been full of more miracles. It is absolutely wonderful
and amazing to see what the Lord can do.

One night we were looking for a house but couldn't find it, we went
down this road for a long time hoping it might be down there but soon
enough there was no houses and we got to the end of the road and there
was just fields all around us so we turned around and on our way back
there was a man outside in the dirt road just looking at the stars so
we stopped to talk to him. After talking to him in the road for a
minute he said he had time so we taught him a lesson. He said how he
wants to stop drinking and smoking and when we told him that there was
a way through Christ that he could completely change that and be
forgiven he was so happy and even got a little teary eyed. He said how
he was waiting for someone to come and just ask him to quit because he
didn't have the courage to do it himself.
It was really neat and a very cool experience.

I'm short on time but I really like conference! It was difficult to
get a ton out of it but I was able to get a little! It is not the same
hearing a translators voice and not the prophets.... But it was still
really good!!

I am glad to hear Alan Blad is getting better. I will keep him and
Hillary in my prayers.

Also I saw a Praxiar plant down here and instantly thought of Kunane
obviously! Hopefully he is enjoying Hawaii. That was like exactly a
year ago! Wow that went by fast.

Oh I forgot to tell you all this a couple of weeks ago! In the CCM I
had to give a talk, in spanish, haha so basically I just read the
whole thing! It wasn't amazing but the latinos said they understood
it! I haven't given one in church yet but I'm sure it will come soon.

Elder Gunnell

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