So if I remember correctly last week I talked about a less active that came to church and then was given an assignment to teach right? Well I have more good news to bring! We went and did service with him like usual on Saturday and he said that he would be coming to church the next day which we were happy about! Then on Sunday when we saw him walk in we were pleasantly surprised that he had brought his wife!! She left right before relief society but came back later so that they could pay their tithing. It was great to see them doing things on their own accord. They will be blessed. I am excited to see their progress!
Last night we had a very successful family home evening! We do one every Monday with different families but always inviting all the investigators we can. We talked about charity and watched a mormon message. I also made some delicious zuchini bread! Haha
This upcoming Monday we have transfers! I doubt that we have any transfers. At least I hope not but we will see what happens!
My message is pretty short this time around but I would like to share a little something that was shared with me not too long ago!
“As the plant springs from, and could not be without, the seed, so every act of man springs from the hidden seeds of thought, and could not have appeared without them” (James Allen, As a Man Thinketh).
The way we think affects the way we live. Learning to be positive, optimistic, and discerning in the way we think affects every aspect of our lives. It also has great potential to lift those around us. More importantly, choosing to think of and pray to our Heavenly Father and His Son often allows Them to influence and teach us how to live in a way that is both pleasing to Them and edifying for us. The Savior’s counsel to “pray always” and “look unto me in every thought” teaches us where to find the help we need to live a life that honors God.
Honor Him with Our Hearts
Once our minds are open and we’re in the habit of thinking of our Heavenly Father, it’s easier to notice how He’s working in our lives. When we begin to see how He’s inspiring our thoughts and blessing us, feeling His love naturally follows. Feeling His love is what gives us the desire to please Him, honor Him, and do His will.
Humility and gratitude have a way of opening us up—our minds, our eyes, and our hearts. They can also help us see just how close our Heavenly Father always is to us.
Honor Him with Our Deeds
When God is consistently in your thoughts and in your heart, there’s nothing you can’t do. Life takes on greater meaning when you begin to live your life for Him. When you hear His promptings in your mind and feel His love in your heart, you can become an instrument in His hands (see Mosiah 23:10).
There’s a scripture in the Book of Mormon that says, “When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God” (Mosiah 2:17). When we can hear and feel God, He will lead us to individuals who need us and can benefit from our unique talents and gifts. Wehonor Him when we’re willing to serve those around us.
Leave a Legacy of Honoring God
Your life can be a powerful offering to God when you fill it with selflessness, humility, and gratitude. But it can be even more than that. Your life can be a powerful legacy that you leave for your own posterity and future generations. When you’re close to God and you spend your life loving and serving Him, you can’t help but leave a legacy of honor in your wake.
Over and out,
Elder Gunnell
A little adventure
some cute little ninas
pigs in a blanket
breakfast to end a comp exchange
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